What is Mandelic Acid?

Mandelic Acid

Since June is Acne Awareness month, and Mandelic Acid is a beneficial ingredient in helping to clear acne…

Let’s talk about it:

Mandelic Acid is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) derived from almonds. It works by exfoliating the skin-removing the top layers of dead skin cells to reveal healthier skin beneath.

The exfoliation from mandelic acid has been shown to have many powerful benefits, while also being gentle enough for sensitive skin types. Here are a few of the facts that make this ingredient so great:

Mandelic Acid:

πŸ‘‰Is anti-inflammatory
πŸ‘‰Has antibacterial properties
πŸ‘‰Anti-fungal properties
πŸ‘‰Improves skin pigmentation

In my practice, I often use Mandelic Peels. They are a safe way to exfoliate sensitive, oily or acne-prone skin types. This is why I often choose this peel for clients with inflamed acne or those dealing with dark spots from sun damage and acne scars.

Mandelic Acid may also be part of your at-home regime, if you don’t have overly sensitive skin. I offer serums and cleansers that are active with this ingredient.

Are you dealing with acne or discolorations? Book an appointment and I will let you know if Mandelic Acid is right for YOUR skin.


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June is Acne Awareness Month!