June is Acne Awareness Month!

Did you know: 85% of people have experienced acne in their life

If you have acne, you are definitely not alone! Although, people who have acne don’t know much about it. Today, we want to bring awareness by explaining what some of the different kinds of acne are. There are two main categories each type is considered under: “Non-Inflamed” or “Inflamed.”

Here’s the breakdown for “Non-Inflamed” breakout types:

  • Whitehead (closed comedone)- They appear as a white dot on the skin. With no exposure to air, the material inside the pore remains white, just as its name suggests.

  • Blackhead (open comedone)- These breakouts appear like a dark enlarged pore. The material built up inside the pore oxidizes due to air exposure- that is what give them their dark appearance.

    • How do you prevent Blackheads and Whiteheads? Don't skip your exfoliating serum, scrubs (if advised by your Acne Expert), or your acne med. Exfoliating is a key factor in keeping these comedones at bay.

The “Inflamed” breakout types include:

  • The Papule (often referred to as a "pimple”)- This appears as a small red bump. Sometimes you can tell one is coming, because you might feel pain before it surfaces.

  • The Pustule- Appears as a red bump, full of dead skin cells, sebum, pus and white blood cells which give the center a yellow and white appearance. Like papules, pustules can be painful.

  • The Nodule- A solid, dome-shaped red lesion that extends below the surface, deep into the layers of the skin. Scarring is common with nodules and can sometimes leave an impaction behind, which can flare again and again.

  • The Cyst- Considered the worst of all inflamed acne, Cysts are full of pus and white blood cells and occur when pustules cluster together under the skin. They feel tender, deep and are usually painful. Supplements like fish oil may help to reduce inflammation which could lead to scarring, if they aren't carefully treated.

    • How do you prevent these inflamed breakouts? “Do not skip your acne med or exfoliating serum. These are essential in keeping [inflamed breakouts] at bay. Icing after cleansing and incorporating the Sulfur Spot Treatment into your routine will help reduce the appearance of redness and inflammation. Remember not to pick at your breakouts as you will risk more bacteria developing and spreading to other pores.”

Acne type is only one aspect of acneic skin; there are different skin types, sensitivity levels, Fitzpatrick types (ethnicity) and differing acne severities that factor into the condition of someone’s skin. This is why it’s important to realize that your skin is unlike any other, and is unique to you- just like your treatment should be, too!

Have Acne? Never Fear. Want to get Clear? Click Here: How Acne Boot Camp works to Clear Your Skin

-Thanks to Face Reality for inspiring this Blog Post, and providing the helpful images.


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