clear skin starts here


Learning & Coaching is the Key to Clear Skin!

The Clear Skin Boot Camp combines clinical-grade products - customized for your type of acne - with a series of bi-monthly treatments and has a 90% success rate clearing the skin in 3-4 months, depending on your type of acne. Fern is a Certified Acne Specialist trained in Face Reality's exclusive approach and she is ready to set you up with a customized plan that will deliver life-changing results. Significant improvement will be seen within 6-8 weeks. Products are gluten-free.


learning & coaching to clear skin!

Boot Camp Services:

  • $195, 2 Hours (includes Acne Relief Facial)

    For the FIRST-TIME Boot Camp client. You'll learn about potential acne triggers, lifestyle factors, and your acne & skin type. You'll receive an acne treatment with extractions and 2 sensitivity tests so we can determine your personalized Face Reality Skincare routine. The products are not included in this cost & are an est. $212. You'll also be taught how and when to use your at-home routine. You will be given a folder to refer to later. PLEASE READ THE ACNE FAQs

  • $90, 45min - $110, 75 min.

    This is your in-house, bi-weekly acne treatment while you are a Clear Skin Boot Camp program member. Inflamed acne clients receive the Boot Camp + LED at $110.

  • Clear your acne from home!

    Start with a FaceTime Consultation

    $75; 60min

    During this call, you'll learn about your acne type, potential triggers and your next steps for homecare and lifestyle changes through a personalized consultation with your Clear Skin Coach.

    After this consultation, you'll have bi-weekly check-in’s during your program

    $20, 15min

    Please refer to the Acne FAQ page!

clear skin progress