My Biz Story- The Beginning of Faces by Fern

For many years and in many forms, I worked at becoming a business owner.  I had the “drive” but not the “vehicle”

It wasn't until the impending breakup of my 20-yr marriage that my sights became focused on esthetics, and I have my mother to thank for giving me the idea.  My ambitious (then 68-yr old) mom was enrolled in an esthetics program and she was excited about all aspects of this field.  She gifted me with a couple of facials, I sat in on a class and I was intrigued!  By Jan 2007, I was enrolled and by November that year, I opened up my first studio.  Three years later, the perfect location became available for my private skin care studio where I remain today.

Mom told me 2 things that I never forgot and which came true.  She said that I would get to work in a peaceful, calm environment and that my self-esteem would grow because I'd be helping people - and she was right! 

Bringing calm to others and providing a nurturing environment, being asked for advice and being trusted by my clients, helping people feel good about their faces and themselves - this has been the greatest gift my work has given back to me.  

This career and owning my own business has made me a happier, calmer, wiser and more grounded woman. Learning how to be the best esthetician that my clients deserve - this is my daily blessing.  

Thank you to my loyal clients for 15 years of growth and independence. I'm so happy to be here!


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