How Often Should You Come In For A Facial?

I’m often asked, “How often should I come in for a facial?”

My answer: Every 3-4 weeks.

To understand why,  we need to talk about our natural exfoliation process and your skin health.

Babies and young children have the ability to regenerate new cells quickly.  Their young metabolisms are in cell rejuvenation about every 21 days. You’ll notice how healthy and plump their skin looks. 

These cells are called the keratinocyte cells. They move through different stages of their life cycle until they reach the outer layer of our skin - the skin we see. This is referred to as cellular renewal or cellular metabolism, a process that slows down to about 45 days in aging skin.

For healthy skin, my goal is to maintain the 28-day renewal timeframe for you. This schedule  stimulates collagen and elastin production and resembles the ideal regeneration rate of our younger years. 

Facials not only stimulate circulation and exfoliation, they also activate the repair and regeneration of our skin in the lower levels (the dermis) during the 3-4 weeks after your facial.

If you are interested in making improvements in your skin, you’ll need to return every 21-28 days for this regeneration process to be productive.

This is why it is important to receive your next treatment just before the cellular cycle ends, and to use a home care regimen that builds on and supports your in-house treatments. 

Your skin will improve and continue improving over time with this approach. Otherwise, each facial is starting from the same place and your skin health and condition won’t progress.

Questions? Leave me a comment!

(Thanks to M.J., Skin Lit)


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